Fixed Work (Effort Driven)
If work is changed then duration will change
If another resource is added to task then both duration and work will reduce
If duration is changed then units will change and work (effort) remains the same (fixed work)
If units are changed then duration will change and work (effort) remains the same (fixed work)
Fixed Unit (Effort Driven):
If duration of fixed units task is changed then work will change
If work of fixed units task is changed then duration will change
If another resource is added to fixed unit task then both duration and work will change
If units for both resources are changed then work will remain same but duration will change
Fixed Duration Effort Driven
If work is changed for fixed duration task units will change and duration will remain the same
If units are changed for fixed duration task then work will change and duration will remain the same
If duration is changed for fixed duration task then work will change and units will remain the same
If another resource is added to fixed duration (effort driven) task then both work and units will change
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